Joseph Zikusooka ~ Zik

A software engineer specializing in open source technologies | Very experienced in building and configuring UNIX/Linux systems and servers. Passionate about developing software applications and hardware for the smart home | Currently serving as the CEO of Jambula Labs and the project leader at JambulaTV, a smart home automation and entertainment platform - | This blog focuses on the following areas: Linux How-Tos and Tutorials ::: IT Security News ::: Free and Libre Open Source Software ::: Smart Home Software ::: Digital Innovations in East Africa |

Linux, Python, Security, and Open Source Software TIPS

  • Excited to share the latest update for Jambula OS, a custom tailored Linux operating system designed for SoC devices like the Raspberry Pi 5!@jambulatv @jambulaOS @michaelgraaf🚀 This update of Jambula OS (Version 2024.8) simplifies setup for:- 🌐 A wireless (WiFi) access point i.e. Internet Hotspot- 🔊 A multi-room music/audio server & client- 📺 A Free-To-Air DVB-T2 TV server- 📹 A USB webcam video streaming server#JambulaOS #Raspberrypi #DIY #Opensource
  • 💡️ Display the actual target path of a symbolic link in Linux#ZikTIPs #CLI #Opensourcereadlink -f [LINK]
  • A cheaper version of the Raspberry Pi 5 board is here! @jambulaOS #raspberrypi5 #DIY #embedded #Linux
  • 💡️Quickly change the bluetooth name advertised by your Linux device such as a raspberrypi @debian @opensuse @fedora bluetoothctl system-alias "NEW-NAME"#ZikTIPs #Bluetooth #Raspberrypi #Opensource
  • 💡Remove or replace multiple occurrences of text with a similar pattern using the command line in Linuxsed /PATTERN*//g [FILE_PATH]Example:sed /systemd-network*//g /opt/my #SysAdmin #CLI #Opensource #opensourcesoftware
  • INTRO: #Introduction #Fediverse #FediHire#Linux #MastodonI am Zik, the guy behind those Linux TIPs. I am passionate about open source software on Linux. I spend a great deal of time on the command line writing shell and python scripts. I am also a buildroot aficionado & maintain Jambula OS Linux.My core strength: Linux/UNIX server management. I am currently available for part time remote work if you need that type of support. Checkout my GitHub repositories at:
  • Heads up: If you recently upgraded to wpa_supplicant v2.11 and are now having issues with your WiFi connection especially on broadcom based boards such as the Raspberry Pi, you might want to disable handshake offloading as follows:"sudo modprobe brcmfmac feature_disable=0x82000"If you can connect again, then add it to your bootloader / grub settingsFor more details, see: #WPA3 #SAE #wpa_supplicant #raspberrypi #opensource
  • 💡 Get the DNS servers that are currently being used on your systemd based Linux PC #ZikTIPs #DNS #SystemD #CLI #Opensource @fedora @opensuse @debian resolvectl status [LINK]Example:resolvectl status wlan0
  • The latest microcontroller from the folks @RaspberryPi, the Pico 2 is here! #PICO2 #PICO #RaspberryPi #DIY
  • 💡 Use the following Linux command to get the make, model and revision of your raspberry Pi @RaspberryPi #ZikTIPs #RaspberryPi #DIY #CLI #Opensourcecat /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model
  • I regrettably couldn't make it for #FOSSY24 in Portland, Oregon where I was scheduled to speak.For those attending, have fun folks! @conservancy #FOSSY #FOSS2024 #OpenSource
  • 💡️Quickly filter systemd logs on your Linux system using journalctl with the "–priority" option @opensuse @fedora @debian @archlinux E.g. For error messages since the system booted:journalctl -b -p err You can use other syslog type log levels such as warning, info, debug, etc#ZikTIPS #CLI #SystemD #SysAdmin #Opensource
  • Working with systemd Timers @opensuse #Linux
  • 💡️To run a Linux systemd service every day at midnight and every three hours thereafter, use the following stanza in your systemd timer #ZikTIPS #Systemd #Sysadmin #CLI #opensource…[Timer]OnCalendar=*-*-* 00/3:00:00 …Happy #SysAdminDay
  • 💡Display a list of 10 files with the largest size in your home directory #ZikTIPs #CLI #Opensource @fedora @opensuse @debianfind $HOME -type f -exec ls -lh {} \; | sort -k 5 -rh | head -n 10
  • As part of my recent talk at the #oSC24 conference in Nuremberg, Germany, I wrote a simple install script for Icinga2 / IcingaWeb on OpenSUSE Leap 15.6 Linux @icinga @opensuse #MonitoringLove #OpenSource
  • I have uploaded the latest image of Jambula OS, a Linux based embedded operating system for the Raspberry Pi 5,Feel free to download and try it out at: #raspberrypi #raspberrypi5 #embedded #DIY #arm #opensource
  • I am presenting at the OpenSUSE conference 2024 taking place in Nuremberg, Germany @OpenSUSE @fedora #oSC24 #Opensource
  • 💡 Use the following Linux command to display the expiry date of an SSL certificate:CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/cert.pem; openssl x509 -in ${CERT_FILE} -text -noout | awk -F": " '/Not After/ {print $2}'#ZikTIPs #OpenSSL #SSL #Encryption #sysadmin #Fedora #Debian #OpenSUSE
  • Display the environment variables used by a given process in LinuxPID=5801; strings /proc/$PID/environ#ZikTIPs #CLI #Opensource
Linux, Python, Security, and Open Source Software TIPS
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